Magical names girl
Magical names girl

magical names girl

Nerissa: It is the less common alternative to the option Marissa, meaning "from the sea".Melody: With an obvious meaning of "music", this could be an excellent choice for a lovely and gentle girl.Marceline: This name has a bold meaning,"defender of the sea".Lorelei: The meaning of Lorelei is "alluring".


  • Giselle: Remember the movie "Enchanted", where the naive but brave princess Giselle found herself in the real world? The name means 'pledge'.
  • Elvina: Even the sound itself indicates that there is something fairy-like in this name.
  • magical names girl

  • Dariyah: This is the bold variation of Daria, meaning "sun", Dariyah is a perfect option for a courageous girl who knows what she wants.
  • The god later thanked her by building a city of Cyrenaica for her.
  • Cyrena: This elegant name belongs to the water nymph in Greek mythology, who put up a fight against the lion that was going after the sun god Apollo.
  • Celeste: Have you noticed how your mind traces to the sky, stars and galaxies when you hear the name Celeste? It has Latin origin and means "heavenly".
  • Aurora: From Latin, Aurora means "dawn".
  • Aine: Aine is derived from the Irish language, meaning "radiance".
  • Aerwyna: Aerwyna dates back to medieval times and has the meaning "friend of the sea".
  • Here are some magical girl names that you can use to name your baby girl. Hearing about faerie names and their history will expand your imagination.

    Magical names girl